Search Results
Results: 132 record(s) found
January 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
January 2018 Potential Effects of the Construction of Terminals in the Saguenay Fjord on the St. Lawrence Beluga Whale and its Habitat Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair 418-775-0825 |
January 9-10, 2018 Review of biophysical and ecological components towards a research and monitoring program of the Labrador Sea in the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves Bioregion St. John's, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Jamieson, Robyn E Co-Chair 709-772-4813 Lewis, Sara Co-Chair (709) 772-5104 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
January 16, 2018 Update of Scallop Fishery Area Closures on Georges Bank to Protect Cod Spawning Aggregations Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
January 16-18, 2018 Framework to support decisions on authorizing scientific surveys with bottom contact gears in protected areas with defined benthic conservation objectives Ottawa, ON |
Setterington, Lisa Chair 613-762-9136 Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 Kristmanson, James CSA Science Advisor 613-790-6462 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
January 18, 2018 Subdivision 3Ps Sea Cucumber Status Update St. John’s, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Meade, James Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
January 22-23, 2018 Review of risks and benefits of Collaboration for Atlantic Salmon Tomorrow’s (CAST) Smolt-to-Adult Supplementation (SAS) Experiment Proposal Halifax, NS |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Mannion, Justine Contact 613-991-1819 |
January 23-24, 2018 Stock Framework for American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 27-33 Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
January 23, 2018 Assessment of Northern Shrimp Stocks in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Sainte-Marie, Bernard Chair 418-775-0617 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
Science Advisory Report 2018/015 |
January 24-25, 2018 Stock assessment of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence snow crab stock to 2017 and catch advice for the 2018 fishery Moncton, NB |
Regional Peer Review GULF |
Lanteigne, Marc Chair Chaput, Gérald CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
February 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
February 2018 Ecological risk Assessment and Selection of Risk-Based indicators for the Hecate Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound Glass Sponge Reefs Marine Protected Area Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Lemieux, Jeffrey Chair 604-824-4710 |
Research Document 2019/048 - Ecological Risk Assessment Research Document 2019/004 - Development of risk-based indicators |
February 2, 2018 Northern and Striped Shrimp Update for the Eastern and Western Assessment Zones, and Striped Shrimp Update for Shrimp Fishing Area (SFA) 4 St. John's, NL |
Parrill, Erika Chair 709-727-6309 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
February 8, 2018 Limit Reference Points for Atlantic Salmon Rivers in Salmon Fishing Areas 15 to 18, DFO Gulf Region Moncton, New Brunswick |
Regional Science Special Response Process (SSRP) GULF |
Fairchild, Wayne Chair 506-851-2056 Chaput, Gérald CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
February 13-14, 2018 Assessment of the Estuary and Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab Stocks Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Chabot, Denis Chair 418-775-0624 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 13-15, 2018 Assessment of Northern Shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFAs) 4, 5 and 6 St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Healey, Brian Co-Chair 709-772-8674 McKenzie, Cynthia Co-Chair (709) 772-6984 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 |
February 14, 2018 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 27-33 Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
February 16, 2018 Threat Assessment for Atlantic Mud-piddock (Barnea truncata) Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
February 19, 2018 Update of indicators of the Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) population of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, DFO Gulf Region, in 2017 Moncton, New Brunswick |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair 506-851-2022 |
February 20, 2018 Update of indicators of Atlantic salmon to 2017 for Salmon Fishing Areas 15 to 18, DFO Gulf Region Moncton, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
February 20, 2018 Assessment of the Stimpson’s surfclam fishery in the Quebec’s inshore waters Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 20-23, 2018 Newfoundland and Labrador Snow Crab Assessment St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Bourne, Christina M. Co-Chair 709-772-6578 Murphy, Hannah Co-Chair (709) 772-4925 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
February 20, 2018 Iceland Scallop Assessment on St. Pierre Bank St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Bourne, Christina M. Co-Chair 709-772-6578 Murphy, Hannah Co-Chair (709) 772-4925 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
Expected Publications: Proceedings |
February 21, 2018 Assessment of the whelk fishery in Québec’s inshore waters Mont-Joli, Québec |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 21-22, 2018 Recovery Potential Assessment for Redside Dace (Clinostomus elongatus) Burlington, ON and via Teleconference/WebEx |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Bouvier, Lynn Chair 905-336-4863 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
Science Advisory Report 2019/012 Research Document 2019/034 - Recovery Potential Modelling Research Document 2019/076 - Invertebrate prey availability, habitat condition and status Research Document 2019/077 - Seasonal Movement in relation to abiotic and biotic factors Research Document 2019/033 - Information in support of a Recovery Potential Assessment in Canada |
February 23, 2018 Stock Assessment of Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
February 26-28, 2018 Science advice on operational guidance on functional monitoring: Surrogate metrics of fish productivity to assess the effectiveness of mitigation and offsetting measures Ottawa, Ontario |
Keatley, Bronwyn Co-Chair 613-286-6067 Smokorowski, Karen Co-Chair 705-941-2662 Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 |
February 26 - March 2, 2018 Estimated abundance of the Eclipse Sound narwhal stock from the 2016 aerial photographic survey Quebec City, QC |
Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 Ellis, Lauren CSAS Contact 613-793-4513 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) Science Advisory Report 2020/051 |
February 26 - March 2, 2018 St. Lawrence Estuary live beluga calf strandings Quebec City, QC |
Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 Ellis, Lauren CSAS Contact 613-793-4513 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) Science Advisory Report 2018/051 |
February 26 - March 2, 2018 Northwest Atlantic International Sighting Survey (NAISS) of Marine Megafauna on the Continental Shelf From Northern Labrador to the Bay of Fundy Quebec City, QC |
Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 Ellis, Lauren CSAS Contact 613-793-4513 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
February 26 - March 2, 2018 Fin whale Pre-COSEWIC (Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada) assessment Quebec City, QC |
Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 Ellis, Lauren CSAS Contact 613-793-4513 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
February 26 - March 2, 2018 St. Lawrence beluga – Advice relevant to spring, fall and winter habitat Quebec City, QC |
Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 Ellis, Lauren CSAS Contact 613-793-4513 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
February 26 - March 2, 2018 Protocols and recommended mitigation for the use of drones in the study of marine mammals Quebec City, QC |
Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 Ellis, Lauren CSAS Contact 613-793-4513 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
February 27, 2018 Assessment of Gulf of St. Lawrence capelin stock (4RST) Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Castonguay, Martin Chair 418-775-0634 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 27-28, 2018 Science advice on ballast water exchange plus treatment Burlington, Ontario |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Kristmanson, James CSA Science Advisor 613-790-6462 |
February 28, 2018 Review of the Environmental Impact Statements for the Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project and the Eastern Newfoundland Offshore Exploration Drilling Project St. John's, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Meade, James Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
February 28 - March 1, 2018 Assessment of Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Mowbray, Fran Chair 709-772-5542 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
March 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
March 2018 Indirect effects of bottom-contact fishing activities (by trap gear) on sponge reefs in the Strait of Georgia and Howe Sound Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Chandler, Peter Chair 250-363-6750 Christensen, Lisa CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
March 2, 2018 Update of the projections for Atlantic mackerel (subareas 3 and 4) Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Castonguay, Martin Chair 418-775-0634 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
March 5, 2018 Stock Status Update of Atlantic Salmon in Salmon Fishing Areas (SFAs) 19-21 and 23 Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
March 7-8, 2018 Status of Subarea 2 and Divisions 3KL Capelin St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Rideout, Rick Co-Chair 709-772-6975 Lee, Eugene Co-Chair (709) 772-6292 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
March 12, 2018 Stock Status Update of Scallop Fishing Area (SFA) 29 West Scallop Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
March 13, 2018 Assessment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) Greenland halibut Mont-Joli, Quebec |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Chabot, Denis Chair 418-775-0624 |
March 14, 2018 Assessment of stock status of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO Div. 4T-4Vn) to 2017 and advice for the 2018 and 2019 fisheries Moncton, NB |
Regional Peer Review GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
Expected Publications: Research Document |
March 14-15, 2018 Assessment of Redfish Stocks (Sebastes mentella and S. fasciatus ) in Units 1 and 2 Mont-Joli, Québec |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Castonguay, Martin Chair 418-775-0634 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
March 19-23, 2018 Stock Assessment of Northern Cod (Divisions 2J3KL) St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Healey, Brian Chair 709-772-8674 Meade, James CSA Science Advisor 709-772-3332 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
Expected Publications: Research Document |
March 20-21, 2018 Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Eastern Shore Islands Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
March 20-23, 2018 Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Montréal, QC |
Pepin, Pierre Chair 709-772-2081 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Chaput, Gérald CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
March 22-23, 2018 Evaluation and interpretation of the results of striped bass studies, conducted by Englobe on behalf of the Québec Port Authority as part of the Beauport 2020 project Québec, QC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair 418-775-0825 |
March 27-28, 2018 Assessment Framework for 4X5Y Atlantic Cod: Part 1 – Review of Data Inputs St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
March 28, 2018 Review of the Dominion Diamond Ekati ULC Jay Project Offsetting Plan Winnipeg, MB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Paulic, Joclyn Chair and CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
March 29, 2018 Assessment of Leatherback Turtle Fishery and Non-fishery Interactions in Atlantic Canadian Waters Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
April 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
April 2018 Stock Status Update and Harvest Options for the Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) fishery in British Columbia, 2018-2021 Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Lochead, Janet Chair 250-756-7139 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
April 11, 2018 Science information to support consultations on BC Chinook Salmon fishery management measures in 2018 Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Thiess, Mary Chair 343-548-1233 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
April 11-12, 2018 Assessment of Herring in NAFO Divisions 4VWX Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
April 18, 2018 Stock Status Update of Offshore Scallop: Browns Bank North and Georges Bank ‘a’ Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
April 25-26, 2018 Unit 1+2 Redfish Management Strategy Evaluation Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Benoit, Hugues Chair 506-851-3146 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
May 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
May 2018 Presence and distribution of European Green Crab and invasive tunicate species in British Columbia Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
MacDougall, Lesley Chair and CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
May 2, 2018 Assessment of the West Coast of Newfoundland (4R) herring stocks in 2018 Mont-Joli, Québec |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Desgagnés, Mathieu Chair 418-775-0575 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
May 8, 2018 Design Strategies for the Western Arctic Biogeographic Region Marine Protected Area Network (Part 1) Winnipeg, MB |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Paulic, Joclyn Chair and CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
Expected Publications: Proceedings |
May 8, 2018 Stock Status Update of Arctic Surfclam Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
May 8-9, 2018 Framework for Incorporating Climate Change Considerations into Fisheries Stock Assessment Montreal, QC |
Lennon, Keith Co-Chair 613-990-0097 Perry, Ian Co-Chair 250-756-7137 Foster, Sophie CSA Coordinator 613-991-1284 |
Science Advisory Report 2019/029 Research Document 2019/044 - Resource management under climate change Research Document 2019/043 - A review of Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s science advisory process |
May 9, 2018 2J + 3KL Witch Flounder Stock Assessment St. John ’s, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Maddock Parsons, Dawn Chair 709-772-7703 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
May 9, 2018 Review of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Nexen Energy Flemish Pass Exploration Drilling Project (2018-2028) St. John ’s, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Meade, James Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
May 9-10, 2018 Assessment of the Instream Flow Needs for fish and fish habitat in the Saskatchewan River below the E.B. Campbell Hydroelectric Station Winnipeg, MB |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Enders, Eva Chair 204-984-4653 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
May 11, 2018 Status of the Hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) Fishery in the Maritimes Region Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
May 22-23, 2018 Review of the indicators and recommendations of an Ecological Monitoring Plan for the Banc-des-Américains proposed MPA Mont-Joli, Quebec |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Cantin, Guy Chair 418-775-0536 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
May 31, 2018 Harvest Advice for Pacific Sardine (Sardinops sagax) in British Columbia Waters for 2018 Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Flostrand, Linnea Chair 250-756-7187 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
June 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
June 2018 A Review of the Use of Recompression Devices as a Tool for Reducing the Effects of Barotrauma on Rockfishes in British Columbia Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Haggarty, Dana Chair (250) 756-7386 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
June 6-7, 2018 Development of a Precautionary Approach Framework for Snow Crab in the Newfoundland Region St. John’s, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Bourne, Christina M. Chair 709-772-6578 Meade, James CSA Coordinator 709-772-3332 |
June 7, 2018 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 34 Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana Administrative Support 902-426-3246 |
June 13-14, 2018 Redstripe Rockfish (Sebastes proriger) stock assessment for British Columbia in 2018 Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Workman, Greg Chair 250-756-7113 Christensen, Lisa CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
June 25, 2018 Review of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Project St. John's, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Richards, Dale E. Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
June 26-28, 2018 Assessment of the Effectiveness of Mitigation Measures in Reducing the Potential Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration and Production on Areas with Defined Benthic Conservation Objectives St. John's, NL |
Chadwick, Michael Chair Longtin, Caroline Contact 343-542-4946 Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 |
June 27-28, 2018 Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish Framework Part 2: Review of Modeling Approaches and Assessment Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Smedbol, Kent Chair 902-426-4721 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
June 29, 2018 Maritimes Research Vessel Survey Trends on Georges Bank Dartmouth, N.S. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
July 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
July 2018 Evaluation of the Reference Condition Approach for Yukon Placer Mining Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Christensen, Lisa Chair and CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
July 2018 Science Information to Inform Consideration of Risks to Cultus Lake Sockeye Salmon in 2018 Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Thiess, Mary Chair 343-548-1233 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
July 2018 Assessment of ecological attributes in Rockfish Conservation Areas in British Columbia Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Dunham, Jason Chair (250) 729-8363 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
July 10 and July 24, 2018 2018 Atlantic Salmon In-Season Review for the Newfoundland and Labrador Region St. John’s, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Parrill, Erika Chair and CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
July 11, 2018 Evaluation of Existing Frameworks to identify Significant Benthic Areas in the Strait of Georgia and Southern Shelf Bioregions Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Christensen, Lisa Chair and CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
July 17-19, 2018 Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessment of GloFish® Sunburst Orange®, Starfire Red®, Galactic Purple®, Cosmic Blue® and Moonrise Pink® Tetras: Transgenic Ornamental Fish Ottawa, ON |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Walker, Sherry Contact 613-990-0273 |
July 24, 2018 Mitigation Buffer Zones for Atlantic Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in the Nunavut Settlement Area Winnipeg, MB |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Postma, Lianne Chair (204) 984-4628 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
July 25-26, 2018 Evaluation of Management Procedures for Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) in the Strait of Georgia and the West Coast of Vancouver Island Management Areas of British Columbia Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Patten, Bruce Chair 250-756-7303 Christensen, Lisa CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
August 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
August 21-22, 2018 and January 30, 2020 Guidelines on Priorities, Monitoring, and Provision of Science Advice for Small-Scale Fisheries in the Maritimes Region Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
September 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
September 2018 Stock Status Update and Management Advice for BC Pacific Herring: 2018 Status and 2019 Forecast Nanaimo, B.C. |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Cleary, Jaclyn Chair 250-756-7321 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
September 5-7, 2018 Assessment of American Eel in the Maritimes Region Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
September 18-20, 2018 Review of Alberta Environment & Parks Cumulative Effects Assessment Methodology Canmore, AB |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Paulic, Joclyn Co-Chair and CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 Sawatzky, Chantelle Co-Chair 204-983-5286 |
September 20-21, 2018 Recovery Potential Assessment – Chilcotin River and Thompson River Steelhead Trout (Onchorhyncus mykiss) Designatable Units Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
MacConnachie, Sean Chair 250-756-7223 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
Expected Publication: Science Advisory Report |
September 24, 2018 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 35-38 Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
October 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
October 1, 2018 Stock Assessment of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 33 Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
October 2018 Technical review: potential effectiveness of mitigation measures to reduce impacts from project-related marine vessels on Southern Resident Killer Whales Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
MacDougall, Lesley Chair and CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
October 10-11, 2018 Assessment of British Columbia Pacific Cod for Areas 3CD and 5ABCD in 2018 Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Workman, Greg Chair 250-756-7113 Christensen, Lisa CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
October 16-17, 2018 Fishery and stock status of the sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) from NAFO Division 4T, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Moncton, NB |
Regional Peer Review GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
October 16-18, 2018 Assessment of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subdivision 3Ps Atlantic Cod St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Osborne, Derek Chair Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 |
Science Advisory Report 2019/009 Research Document 2019/053 - Sentinel Surveys |
October 19, 2018 Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic Salmon Population Abundance Estimate Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
October 25-26, 2018 Framework for reviewing and approving revisions to Wild Salmon Policy Conservation Units Nanaimo, BC |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Komick, Nicholas Chair 250-756-7182 MacDougall, Lesley CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
November 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
November 2, 2018 Assessment of the acceptance of data submitted under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act New Substances Notification Regulations (Organisms) to determine invasiveness of the AquAdvantage™ salmon Ottawa, Ontario |
National Science Response Process (SRP) NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Walker, Sherry Contact 613-990-0273 |
November 6-7, 2018 Assessment Framework for 4X5Y Atlantic Cod: Part 2 – Review of Modelling Approaches St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Clark, Don Chair 506-529-5908 Ford, Jennifer CSA Science Advisor 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
November 6-8, 2018 Assessment of the risk to Fraser River sockeye salmon due to bacteria causing systemic infections transferred from Atlantic salmon farms located in the Discovery Islands area, British Columbia Vancouver, BC |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 Weber, Lily Contact 613-990-0278 |
Science Advisory Report 2019/017 - Aeromonas salmonicida Science Advisory Report 2019/018 - Yersinia ruckeri Science Advisory Report 2019/019 - Renibacterium salmoninarum Science Advisory Report 2019/020 - Piscirickettsia salmonis Research Document 2019/016 - Characterization of Aeromonas salmonicida and furunculosis Research Document 2019/017 - Assessment of the risk due to Aeromonas salmonicida transfer Research Document 2019/019 - Assessment of the risk due to Renibacterium salmoninarum transfer Research Document 2019/021 - Assessment of the risk due to Piscirickettsia salmonis transfer Research Document 2019/022 - Characterization of Yersinia ruckeri and enteric redmouth disease Research Document 2019/023 - Assessment of the risk due to Yersinia ruckeri transfer |
November 6-8, 2018 Science Advice to Support the Jeopardy Assessment Framework for Permitting under the Species at Risk Act Ottawa, ON |
Clarke, Keith Chair 709-772-2907 Foster, Sophie CSA Coordinator 613-991-1284 |
November 8, 2018 Review of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Husky Exploration Drilling Project St. John's, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 |
November 16, 2018 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area 41 Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
November 16, 2018 Depositional Model Validation – Aquaculture Licence for Wallace Cove, NL St. John’s, NL |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Parrill, Erika Chair 709-727-6309 |
November 21, 2018 Update of the indicators of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) stocks of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Moncton, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
November 21, 2018 The Saguenay Fjord Winter Recreational Groundfish Fishery Mont-Joli, QC |
Regional Peer Review QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
November 22-23, 2018 Data Synopsis Report for British Columbia Groundfish Nanaimo, B.C. |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Thiess, Mary Chair 343-548-1233 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
November 23, 2018 Update of the indicators of the rock crab (Cancer irroratus) fishery of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Moncton, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
November 26, 2018 Stock Status Update of Bay of Fundy Scallop in Scallop Production Areas (SPAs) 1A, 1B, and 3-6 Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
November 26-30, 2018 National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) 2018 Meeting I: Review of North Atlantic right whale occurrence and risk of interactions with fishing gear and collision with vessels Montreal, QC |
Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Postma, Lianne Co-Chair (204) 984-4628 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 |
Expected Publications: 6 Research Documents |
November 27-29, 2018 Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Fundian Channel – Browns Bank Area of Interest Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
November 29-30, 2018 Biophysical and Ecological Overview of a Study Area within the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area Zone St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Wells, Nadine Chair 709-772-4954 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 |
Terms of Reference in Inuktitut |
December 2018
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
December 4, 2018 Stock Assessment of Atlantic Cod in NAFO Division 4X5Y St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Clark, Kirsten Chair 506-529-5928 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 4–6, 2018 Binational Ecological Risk Assessment for Black Carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) in the Great Lakes Basin Milwaukee, WI |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
Expected Publications: Science Advisory Report, Proceedings, Research Document(s) |
December 5, 2018 Stock Status Update of Cusk in NAFO Division 4VWX5YZ St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 5, 2018 Maritimes Research Vessel Survey Trends on the Scotian Shelf and the Bay of Fundy St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 5, 2018 Stock Status Update of Atlantic Halibut in NAFO Division 3NOPs4VWX+5 St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 5-6, 2018 Biophysical and Ecological Overview of the Southampton Island Area of Interest (AOI) Winnipeg, MB |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Paulic, Joclyn Chair and CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
December 6, 2018 Status Update of the Western Component Pollock Management Strategy Evaluation St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 6, 2018 Stock Status Update of Haddock in NAFO Division 4X5Y St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 6, 2018 Stock Status Update of Unit 3 Redfish St. Andrews, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 11, 2018 Update of indicators of adult Atlantic Salmon for the Miramichi River (NB), Salmon Fishing Area 16, DFO Gulf Region Moncton, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
December 11, 2018, and February 13, 2019 Stock Assessment of Northwest Atlantic Spiny Dogfish Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 11-13, 2018 Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessment for the Manufacture and Production of Sterile AquAdvantage® Salmon at a Land-Based and Contained Facility near Rollo Bay, PEI Ottawa, Ontario |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Walker, Sherry Contact 613-990-0273 McGowan, Colin Contact 613-990-3113 |
December 12, 2018 Recovery Potential Assessment – Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus) Burlington, ON |
Regional Peer Review CENTRAL & ARCTIC |
Bouvier, Lynn Chair 905-336-4863 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
Science Advisory Report 2020/039 Research Document 2020/047 - Recovery Potential Modelling |
December 12, 2018 Update of indicators of the Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis) population of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, DFO Gulf Region, for 2018 Moncton, NB |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
December 12-13, 2018 Assessment of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subdivision 3Ps Haddock St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Van Leeuwen, Travis Co-Chair 709-772-2128 Richards, Dale E. Co-Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 |
December 12-13, 2018 Assessment of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subdivision 3Ps Pollock St. John's, NL |
Regional Peer Review NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Van Leeuwen, Travis Co-Chair 709-772-2128 Richards, Dale E. Co-Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Parrill, Erika CSA Science Advisor 709-727-6309 |
December 12-14, 2018 and May 2-3, 2019 Risk Assessment of Permitted Human Activities in Rockfish Conservation Areas in British Columbia Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Setterington, Lisa Chair 613-762-9136 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
December 13, 2018 Update of indices of abundance to 2018 of American Plaice (NAFO Div. 4T) and Yellowtail Flounder (NAFO Div. 4T) assessed and managed by DFO Gulf Region Moncton, NB |
Regional Peer Review GULF |
Chaput, Gérald Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-851-2022 |
December 13, 2018 Stock Assessment of Eastern Scotian Shelf Shrimp in Shrimp Fishing Areas (SFAs) 13-15 Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Ford, Jennifer Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-221-5731 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 14, 2018 Update of Scallop Fishery Area Closures on Georges Bank to Protect Cod Spawning Aggregations Dartmouth, NS |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
December 14, 2018 Review of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the BP Newfoundland Orphan Basin Exploration Drilling Project St. John's, Newfoundland |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Richards, Dale E. Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
December 17, 2018 Update of stock status indicators for Northern Shrimp in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence Mont-Joli, Quebec |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
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