Search Results
Results: 95 record(s) found
January 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
January 13-15, 2021 Sampling effort to detect Asian carps during response activities in the Great Lakes basin Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting ONTARIO AND PRAIRIE REGION |
Colm, Julia Chair 905-336-4864 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
January 14, 2021 Update of Stock Status Indicators for Cod (3Pn4RS) in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
January 18-22, 2021 Gully Marine Protected Area Monitoring: Review of Research Activities, Indicators, and Guidance on Next Steps Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair 902-426-3246 Singh, Rabindra CSAS Contact 506-529-5881 |
January 18-22, 2021 Pre-COSEWIC Assessment of Atlantic Salmon Part IV: Review of information Maritime Provinces Virtual meeting |
Breau, Cindy Chair 506-851-6238 LaFlamme, Mark CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
January 22, 2021 Pre-season abundance forecast for Fraser River Sockeye and Pink Salmon returns in 2021 Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Davis, Brooke Chair 604-349-9151 Magnan, Al CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
January 26-27, 2021 Stock Status Update of NAFO Subdivisions 3KLPs Herring Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Wheeland, Laura Chair 709-772-7069 Lee, Eugene CSA Science Advisor (709) 772-6292 |
January 27, 2021 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 27–32 Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair and CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
January 29, 2021 Updated indicator status of the northern shrimp stocks in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
February 1-4, 2021 Pre-COSEWIC Assessment of Atlantic Salmon Part II: Review of information Newfoundland and Labrador Virtual meeting |
Van Leeuwen, Travis Chair 709-772-2128 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
Expected Publications: Research Documents |
February 4, 2021 Updated indicators status of the scallop stocks in Subarea 20A in Magdalen Islands Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 10-11, 2021 Stock status in 2020 and fishery advice for 2021 for Snow Crab from the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting GULF |
LaFlamme, Mark Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
February 15, 2021 Hydrodynamic Connectivity between Marine Finfish Aquaculture Facilities in British Columbia: in support of an Area Based Management Approach Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Chamberlain, Jon Chair 250-363-6301 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
February 16, 2021 Update of indices of abundance to 2020 for Atlantic Cod (NAFO Div. 4T and 4Vn (November to April)) and American Plaice (NAFO Div. 4T) assessed and managed by DFO Gulf Region Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
LaFlamme, Mark Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
February 16, 2021 Stock Assessment of Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO Division 4T) Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting GULF |
LaFlamme, Mark Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
February 16-18, 2021 2HJ, 3KLNOP, and 4R Snow Crab Assessment Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Van Leeuwen, Travis Co-Chair 709-772-2128 Loughlin, Kristin Co-Chair 709-772-2112 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
February 16-18, 2021 Assessment of the Estuary and northern Gulf of St. Lawrence Snow Crab stocks Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Chabot, Denis Chair 418-775-0624 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 17, 2021 Impacts of increases in fishing effort on White Hake (Urophycis tenuis), Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Population Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting GULF |
Hardy, Matthew Chair 506-851-6212 LaFlamme, Mark CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
February 22, 2021 Assessment of the Stimpson’s surfclam fishery in the Quebec’s inshore waters Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 22 - 26, 2021 Assessment of Northern Shrimp in SFAs 4-6, EAZ & WAZ and of Striped Shrimp in SFA 4, EAZ & WAZ Virtual meeting |
Mullowney, Darrell Chair 709-772-2521 Lee, Eugene CSA Science Advisor (709) 772-6292 Parrill, Erika CSA Coordinator 709-727-6309 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
Expected Publications: Research Documents |
February 22-26, 2021 Identification of Areas to Apply Spatial Management Measures to Protect Southern Resident Killer Whales Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Lesage, Véronique Co-Chair 418-775-0739 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
February 22-26, 2021 Threat assessment for northern bottlenose whales off eastern Canada Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Lesage, Véronique Co-Chair 418-775-0739 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 |
February 23-24, 2021 Assessment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) Greenland halibut Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Bourdages, Hugo Chair 418-775-0587 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
February 23-24, 2021 Validation of DO as MEQ measure of nutrient loading status of estuaries Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting GULF |
Sonier, Remi Chair 506-851-2977 LaFlamme, Mark CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
February 23 - 25, 2021 Evaluation of Existing Risk Assessment Methods for Granting Ballast Water Management Exemptions Virtual Meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Pratt, Thomas Chair 705-941-2667 Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 |
February 23-26, 2021 Science advice on revisiting Pathways of Effects (PoE) diagrams in support of FFHPP risk assessment Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Ponader, Karin Co-Chair 613-617-4096 Smokorowski, Karen Co-Chair 705-941-2662 |
February 24, 2021 Stock Status Update of Scotian Shelf Snow Crab Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
McIntyre, Tara Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
February 24-25, 2021 DFO Maritimes Region Review of the Proposed Marine Finfish Aquaculture Sites and Boundary Amendment, Liverpool Bay, Queens County, Nova Scotia Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 |
February 25-26 and March 3, 2021 Assessment of the northern contingent of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Castonguay, Martin Chair 418-775-0634 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
March 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
March 1, 2021 2020 Stock Status Update of British Columbia wild Geoducks Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Porszt, Erin Chair 250-756-7255 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
March 1 - 12, 2021 State of Knowledge on Chemical Dispersants for Canadian Marine Oil Spills Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
McCourt, James Co-Chair 613-990-0194 Setterington, Lisa Co-Chair 613-762-9136 Stuyt, Shannon CSA Science Advisor 613-697-2603 |
March 2-4. 2021 Recovery Potential Assessment – Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), Lake Opeongo large-bodied Designatable Unit and Lake Opeongo small-boded Designatable Unit Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting ONTARIO AND PRAIRIE REGION |
Morris, Todd Chair 905-336-4734 Colm, Julia CSA Science Advisor 905-336-4864 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
March 2-4, 2021 Assessment of Atlantic Salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Morris, Corey Co-Chair 709-772-6676 Collins, Roanne Co-Chair 709-772-6059 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
March 4, 2021 Stock Status Update of Atlantic Salmon in Salmon Fishing Areas (SFAs) 19-21 and 23 Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 |
March 8-12, 2021 Science advice for assessing cumulative effects in support of policy development and regulatory decision-making Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Clarke, Keith Chair 709-772-2907 White, Hilary Contact 613-371-5891 |
March 8-12, 2021 Modeling and monitoring approaches to evaluate the ecological carrying capacity for shellfish aquaculture Virtual meeting |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
LaCoste, Cher Chair 604-775-8843 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
Science Advisory Report 2021/036 Research Document 2022/003 - An ecological carrying capacity assessment Research Document 2022/004 - Monitoring methods to support area-based bivalve aquaculture management |
March 9-12, 2021 Assessment of Divisions 2J+3KL Capelin Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Wheeland, Laura Chair 709-772-7069 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
March 10-11, 2021 Review of Methods for Developing Catch Limits for Greenland Cockle (Serripes groenlandicus) and Northern Propellerclam (Cyrtodaria siliqua) in the Banquereau and Grand Bank Offshore Clam Fisheries Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 |
March 16-17, 2021 Assessment of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (4RST) Atlantic halibut Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Sainte-Marie, Bernard Chair 418-775-0617 Cyr, Charley CSA Science Advisor 418-775-0825 |
Expected Publications: Research Document |
March 16-18, 2021 Recovery Potential Assessment – Fraser River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) – Ten Designatable Units Virtual meeting |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Davis, Ben Chair 250-756-7208 Magnan, Al CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
March 18-19, 2021 Assessment of capelin in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (NAFO 4RST) in 2020 Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Belley, Rénald Chair 418-775-0618 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
March 22-26, 2021 Twenty-third Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP) Virtual meeting |
Galbraith, Peter Chair (418) 775-0852 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 LaFlamme, Mark CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Worcester, Tana CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
Science Advisory Report 2021/026 Research Document 2021/045 - Physical Oceanographic Conditions in the Gulf of St. Lawrence |
March 23-25, 2021 Assessment of the Status of the Spawning Population of Saint John River Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair 902-426-3246 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
March 23-26, 2021 Stock Assessment of Northern Cod (Divs. 2J3KL) Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Mullowney, Darrell Chair 709-772-2521 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
Expected Publications: Research Documents |
March 30, 2021 Evaluation of Two-year Model Projections for Georges Bank ‘a’ and Browns Bank north Scallop Fisheries Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 |
March 30 - April 1, 2021 Science Advice on “Clean, Drain, Dry and Decontaminate” Treatments and Protocols to Prevent the Introduction and Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Foster, Sophie Co-Chair 613-991-1284 Olivier, Gilles Co-Chair Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 |
March 31, 2021 Evaluation of Two-year Model Projections for the Bay of Fundy and SFA 29W Scallop Fisheries Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 |
April 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
April 7, 2021 Stock Status Update of Herring in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Fishing Area 4VWX Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Bennett, Lottie Chair 902-402-3440 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
April 12-16, 2021 Science advice to the Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program on estimating impacts and offsets for death of fish Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Clarke, Keith Chair 709-772-2907 Tuen, Alex CSAS Contact 613-797-5378 |
April 20-21, 2021 Assessment of the status of gaspereau stocks of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting GULF |
Sonier, Remi Chair 506-851-2977 LaFlamme, Mark CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
April 21-23, 2021 Assessment Framework for the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (3Pn4RS) Atlantic Cod - Part 1: review of data input Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Senay, Caroline Chair 418-775-0705 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
April 22-23, 2021 Environmental and Indirect Human Health Risk Assessment of GloFish® Moonrise Pink®, Sunburst Orange®, and Electric Green® Bettas: Transgenic Ornamental Fishes Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Olivier, Gilles Chair Tuen, Alex CSAS Contact 613-797-5378 |
April 27-29, 2021 Review of the monitoring indicators for the Banc-des-Américains Marine Protected Area, validation of the choice of measures and state of knowledge Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Cantin, Guy Chair 418-775-0536 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
May 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
May 4-5, 2021 Assessment of the Quebec North Shore (4S) herring stocks in 2020 Virtual meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Roux, Marie-Julie Chair 418-509-3490 Cyr, Charley CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
Expected Publications: Research Document and Proceedings |
May 4-7, 2021 Assessment of Redfish in Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subarea 0, and Subarea 2 + Division 3K Virtual meeting |
Bourne, Christina M. Chair 709-772-6578 Richards, Dale E. CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 Lee, Eugene CSA Science Advisor (709) 772-6292 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
Expected Publications: Two Research Documents |
May 11-12, 2021 Review of Musquash Monitoring Plan and Assessment Framework Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair 902-426-3246 Singh, Rabindra CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 |
May 14, 2021 2020 Report on the Northern Resident Killer Whale annual census Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
MacConnachie, Sean Chair 250-756-7223 Magnan, Al CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
May 25, 2021 Maritimes Research Vessel Survey Trends on Georges Bank Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair and CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 |
May 25, 2021 Science Review of the Labrador Shelf Offshore Area Strategic Environmental Assessment Update Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Cote, David Chair 709-685-6705 Richards, Dale E. Chair and CSA Coordinator 709-772-8892 |
May 31, 2021 Harvest Advice for Pacific Sardine (Sardinops sagax) in British Columbia Waters for 2021 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Flostrand, Linnea Chair 250-756-7187 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
June 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
June 1-2, 2021 Assessment of the sea cucumber fishery in Quebec’s Inshore Waters Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
June 15, 2021 Fallowing as a tool for disease mitigation in marine finfish facilities Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Johnson, Stewart Chair 250-756-7077 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
June 21-22, 2021 DFO Maritimes Region Review of the Proposed Marine Finfish Aquaculture Sites, Whycocomagh Bay, Bras d’Or Lakes, Nova Scotia Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair 902-426-3246 |
June 29-30, 2021 Request for Aquaculture Siting Advice for Provincial Site Licence Applications from Grieg Aquaculture in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Gregory, Robert Chair 709-772-4491 Rockwood, Hilary CSA Coordinator 709-772-6237 |
June 29-30, 2021 Validation of Metrics Selected to Report on the State Of Fish and Fish Habitat in the Ontario and Prairie Region Priority Areas: Part 1 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting ONTARIO AND PRAIRIE REGION |
Benoy, Glenn Co-Chair 343-542-4887 Paulic, Joclyn Co-Chair and CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 Chu, Cindy CSA Science Advisor 905-336-4862 |
June 30, 2021 Stock Status Update and Harvest Options for the Green Sea Urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) fishery in British Columbia, 2021-2024 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Curtis, Lyanne Chair 250-756-7095 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
July 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
July 7, 2021 Stock Status Update of Arctic Surfclam Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair and CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 |
September 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
September 3, 2021 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 35 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair and CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 |
September 8-9, 2021 Yellowmouth Rockfish (Sebastes reedi) stock assessment for British Columbia in 2021 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Peer Review PACIFIC |
Workman, Greg Chair 250-756-7113 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
September 15, 2021 Stock status update with application of management procedures for Pacific Herring (Clupea Pallasii) in British Columbia: Status in 2021 and forecast in 2022 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Cleary, Jaclyn Chair 250-756-7321 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
September 23, 2021 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Areas (LFAs) 36 and 38 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair and CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 |
September 28-29, 2021 Comparison of Trapping Methods for Invasive European Green Crab Virtual meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Foster, Sophie Chair 613-991-1284 Couture, Estelle CSAS Contact 613-990-0101 |
October 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
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October 5-6, 2021 National Aquatic Invasive Species Screening-Level Risk Assessment for Eight Crayfish Species Virtual Meeting |
National Science Response Process (SRP) NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Setterington, Lisa Co-Chair 613-762-9136 Shead, Justin Co-Chair 204-983-5251 Tuen, Alex CSAS Contact 613-797-5378 |
Expected Publications: Science Response, Proceedings |
October 7, 2021 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 33 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair 506-529-5881 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
October 19-20, 2021 Post-release Survival of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) in the Atlantic Canadian Pelagic Longline Fishery Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
McIntyre, Tara Chair 902-402-8589 Bennett, Lottie CSA Science Advisor 902-402-3440 |
October 19-22, 2021 Conservation translocations of SARA-listed freshwater fishes and mussels Virtual Meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Clarke, Keith Chair 709-772-2907 Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 |
October 21, 2021 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 34 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair 506-529-5881 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
October 22, 2021 Stock Status Update of American Lobster in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 41 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair and CSA Science Advisor 506-529-5881 |
October 28, 2021 Stock Assessment Update of Bocaccio Rockfish (Sebastes paucispinis) for British Columbia in 2021 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Haigh, Rowan Chair 250-756-7123 Christensen, Lisa CSA Science Advisor 250-756-7088 |
November 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
November 8-12, 2021; November 15 (held in reserve) Assessment of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Subdivision 3Ps Atlantic Cod Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR |
Healey, Brian Chair 709-772-8674 Lee, Eugene CSA Science Advisor (709) 772-6292 |
Expected Publications: Research Document |
November 9, 2021 Proposed Changes to the Conservation Unit for Nanaimo River Watershed Spring Chinook Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) PACIFIC |
Magnan, Al Chair and CSA Coordinator 250-756-7088 |
November 15, 2021 Development of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Greenland Halibut Precautionary Approach Framework (4RST) Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) QUEBEC |
Cyr, Charley Chair and CSA Coordinator 418-775-0825 |
November 15-19, 2021 Results of 2021 Northwest Atlantic grey seal pup production survey, variation in timing of reproduction, and sustainable harvest advice Virtual Meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Lesage, Véronique Co-Chair 418-775-0739 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
November 15-19, 2021 Alternative bleeding method for the hunt for young seals (Halichoerus grypus): common carotid arteries versus axillary arteries Virtual Meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Stenson, Garry Co-Chair 709-772-5598 Lesage, Véronique Co-Chair 418-775-0739 Abraham, Christine Contact 613-990-0308 |
To be conducted by the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee (NMMPRC) |
November 16-18, 2021 Updated Recovery Potential Assessment of Lake Chubsucker (Erimyzon sucetta), 2011–2020 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting ONTARIO AND PRAIRIE REGION |
Pratt, Thomas Chair 705-941-2667 Colm, Julia CSA Science Advisor 905-336-4864 Shead, Justin CSA Coordinator 204-983-5251 |
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November 17-19, 2021 Stock Assessment Framework Review for Eastern Scotian Shelf Shrimp Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Chair (to be confirmed) McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
Expected Publications: Research Document, Proceedings |
November 22, 2021 Stock Status Update of Bay of Fundy Scallop in Scallop Production Areas (SPAs) 1A, 1B, and 3-6 Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
McIntyre, Tara Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
November 22-24, 2021 Application of the National Vulnerability Framework in the Maritimes Region Virtual meeting |
Regional Peer Review MARITIMES |
Worcester, Tana Chair and CSA Coordinator 902-426-3246 |
November 23, 2021 Evaluation of the Viability of a Provision to Carry Forward Unused Strikes of Eastern Canada-West Greenland Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) Virtual Meeting |
MacPhee, Shannon Chair 204-983-5203 Ferguson, Steve CSAS Contact 204-983-5057 Paulic, Joclyn CSA Coordinator 204-983-5232 |
November 23-26, 2021 Framework Review for Atlantic Halibut on the Scotian Shelf and Southern Grand Banks in NAFO Divisions 3NOPs4VWX5Zc: Part 1 - Review of Data Inputs Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
Greenlaw, Michelle Chair 506-529-5920 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
November 29-30, 2021 DFO Maritimes Region Review of the Proposed New Marine Finfish Aquaculture Site, Beaver Harbour, Charlotte County, New Brunswick Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
McIntyre, Tara Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
November 29-30 and December 2, 2021 Cumulative impact mapping and vulnerability of marine ecosystems to multiple anthropogenic stressors Virtual Meeting |
National Advisory Meeting NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION |
Worcester, Tana Chair 902-426-3246 Kristmanson, James CSAS Contact 613-790-6462 |
December 2021
Date, subject and location of meeting | Scope and region(s) | Contact(s) | Details & Publications | |
December 13-14, 2021 Eastern Scotian Shelf Northern Shrimp Assessment Virtual Meeting |
Regional Advisory Meeting MARITIMES |
McIntyre, Tara Chair and CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
December 14, 2021 Determination of spawner abundance, age-class distribution and biological characteristics for striped bass for 2021 Virtual meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) GULF |
LaFlamme, Mark Chair and CSA Coordinator 506-961-1146 |
December 15, 2021 Stock Status Update of Cusk in 4VWX5 in the Maritimes Region Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair 506-529-5881 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
December 15, 2021 Stock Status Update of Haddock in 4X5Y Virtual Meeting |
Regional Science Response Process (SRP) MARITIMES |
Singh, Rabindra Chair 506-529-5881 McIntyre, Tara CSA Science Advisor 902-402-8589 |
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