Résultat de la recherche des publications du SCAS
76 résultat(s) trouvé(s).
Document de recherche (1977+)
Numéro | Région(s) | Titre | Auteur(s)/Personne(s) resource(s) |
1993/001 |
Maritimes |
Overview of environmental conditions in the Northwest Atlantic in 1992
Drinkwater, K.F. |
1993/002 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Oceanographic conditions during the annual fall groundfish survey in NAFO divisions 2J3KL
Colbourne, E.B. |
1993/003 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Evaluation of the status of the Atlantic salmon population of Conne River, Newfoundland, in 1992
Dempson, J.B. |
1993/004 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Evaluation of the status of the Nain stock unit Arctic charr population in 1992
Dempson, J.B. |
1993/005 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Summary of catch statistics for the northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon fisheries in 1992
Dempson, J.B. |
1993/006 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The inshore capelin fishery in NAFO Div. 3L in 1992
Nakashima, B.S. |
1993/007 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Capelin (Mallotus villosus) egg deposition on fifteen spawning beaches in Conception Bay, Newfoundland in 1992
Nakashima, B.S. Slaney, B.W. |
1993/008 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The inshore capelin fishery in NAFO Div. 3K in 1992 and a comparison of mean lengths in NAFO Div. 3K and Div. 3L
Nakashima, B.S. Carscadden, J.E. |
1993/009 |
Maritimes |
The status of alewife and blueback herring stocks in Scotia-Fundy Region as indicated by catch-effort statistics
Jessop, B.M. |
1993/010 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Observations and studies on SA2 + Div. 3K capelin in 1992
Miller, D.S. |
1993/011 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Impacts of the 1992 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) commercial fishery moratorium - Newfoundland Region
Dempson, J.B. O'Connell, M.F. |
1993/012 |
Québec |
Development of a hydroacoustic abundance index for mackerel in Cabot Strait
Castonguay, M. Beaulieu, J.-L. |
1993/013 |
Maritimes |
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks of Scotia-Fundy Region, 1992
Amiro, P.G. Cutting, R.E. Marshall, T.L. O'Neil, S.F. |
1993/014 |
Golfe |
Assessment of Atlantic salmon in the Margaree River, Nova Scotia, 1992
Chaput, G. Jones, R.A. Forsythe, L. LeBlanc, P.H. |
1993/015 |
Maritimes |
Georges Bank scallop stock assessment - 1992
Robert, G. Black, G.A.P. Butler, M.A.E. |
1993/016 |
Maritimes |
Towards a minimum meat weight regulation for the inshore sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishery
Kenchington, E.L.R. Lundy, M.J. |
1993/017 |
Maritimes |
Sea scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) fishing areas in the Bay of Fundy
Kenchington, E.L.R. Lundy, M.J. |
1993/018 |
Maritimes |
Scallop fishing grounds on the Scotian Shelf - 1992
Robert, G. Butler, M.A.E. |
1993/019 |
Golfe |
Assessment of the Margaree River gaspereau fisheries 1991 and 1992
Chaput, G. |
1993/020 |
Québec |
Évaluation des agrégations de crevettes nordiques (Pandalus borealis) du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent (divisions 4RST de l'OPANO)
Savard, L. Hurtubise, S. Bouchard, H. |
1993/021 |
Québec |
Les nouvelles unités de gestion de la pêche à la crevette nordique (Pandalus borealis) dans le nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent
Savard, L. Hurtubise, S. Sévigny, J.-M. |
1993/022 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of 4VsW cod in 1992
Mohn, R.K. MacEachern, W.J. |
1993/023 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment of the American plaice stock in NAFO Subarea 2 + Div. 3K
Brodie, W.B. Power, D.J. Bowering, W.R. |
1993/024 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Assessment of the American plaice stock in NAFO Subdiv. 3Ps
Brodie, W.B. Power, D.J. Bowering, W.R. |
1993/025 |
Maritimes |
The timing of the winter migration of 4T cod into 4Vn
Lambert, T.C. |
1993/026 |
Golfe |
Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) densities and egg deposition in the Restigouche and Miramichi rivers, New Brunswick
Locke, A. Courtenay, S.C. Chaput, G. |
1993/027 |
Golfe |
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1992
Locke, A. Pickard, P.R. Landry, G. Madden, A. |
1993/028 |
Golfe |
Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Salmon Fishing areas 15, 16, 17 and 18
Locke, A. Jones, R.A. Pickard, P.R. Atkinson, G. Davidson, K.G. |
1993/029 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in selected rivers with counting facilities in the Newfoundland Region, 1992
O'Connell, M.F. |
1993/030 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1992
O'Connell, M.F. Ash, E.G.M. |
1993/031 |
Maritimes |
Evaluation of the precision of catch data in the Nova Scotia Atlantic salmon catch-effort card system and feasibility of a New Brunswick application
O'Neil, S.F. Harvie, C.J. |
1993/032 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the southwest Scotian Shelf and Bay of Fundy cod
Gavaris, S. |
1993/033 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The status of Atlantic salmon stocks in Gulf of St. Lawrence, western Newfoundland and southern Labrador, 1992
Mullins, C.C. Jones, R.A. |
1993/034 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The status of the Atlantic salmon stock of Humber River/Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1992
Mullins, C.C. Chaput, G. |
1993/035 |
Québec |
État des principales pêcheries de homard du Québec: les Iles-de-la-Madeleine et la Gaspésie
Dallaire, J.-P. |
1993/036 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of the eastern Georges Bank haddock
Gavaris, S. VanEeckhaute, L. |
1993/037 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region, 1992
O'Connell, M.F. Dempson, J.B. Reddin, D.G. Ash, E.G.M. Cochrane, N.M. |
1993/038 |
Golfe |
Stock composition in the 4Vn winter herring fishery
Chadwick, E.M.P. Allard, J. Dale, J. Nielsen, G.A. |
1993/039 |
Maritimes |
Biological update of Georges Bank cod in Unit areas 5Zj,m for 1978-92
Hunt, J.J. Buzeta, M.-I. |
1993/040 |
Maritimes |
The influence of depth and bottom type on area swept by groundtrawl, and consequences for survey indices and population estimates
Clark, D.S. |
1993/041 |
Québec |
Le flétan du Groenland (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) du golfe du Saint-Laurent (4RST): La pêche en 1992 et l'état du stock
Morin, R.B. Bernier, B. |
1993/042 |
Québec |
Le stock de sébaste (Sebastes spp.) du golfe du Saint-Laurent (4RST + 3Pn4Vn [jan.-mai]): État de la ressource en 1992
Morin, R.B. Bernier, B. |
1993/043 |
Maritimes |
Commercial fishery based estimate of pollock abundance on the Scotian Shelf
Hanke, A.R. |
1993/044 |
Maritimes |
Commercial fishery based estimate of cod abundance in NAFO Division 4X
Hanke, A.R. |
1993/045 |
Maritimes |
Commercial fishery based estimate of cod and haddock abundance on Georges Bank
Hanke, A.R. |
1993/046 |
Maritimes |
New estimates of commercial harvest and by-catch of Saint John River Atlantic salmon, 1981-1983
Marshall, T.L. |
1993/047 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Status of the Exploits and Rocky River stocks of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in 1992
Bourgeois, C.E. Murray, J. Davis, J.P. O'Brien, J. |
1993/048 |
Golfe |
Variation in September near-bottom temperatures in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence 1971-1992
Swain, D.P. |
1993/049 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The status of the witch flounder stock in Division 2J, 3K and 3L
Bowering, W.R. Power, D.J. Brodie, W.B. |
1993/050 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
The status of the witch flounder stock in Subdivision 3Ps
Bowering, W.R. |
1993/051 |
Golfe |
Assessment of the Miramichi River gaspereau fishery, 1991 and 1992
Mowbray, F.K. Chaput, G. Courtenay, S.C. |
1993/052 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
Results of the 1992 aerial survey of capelin (Mallotus villosus) schools using the compact airborne spectrographic imager (CASI)
Nakashima, B.S. |
1993/053 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment of the west coast of Newfoundland (NAFO Division 4R) herring resource up to 1992
McQuinn, I.H. Lefebvre, L. |
1993/054 |
Maritimes |
Estimation du stock reproducteur de maquereau (Scomber scombrus L.) du golfe du Saint-Laurent et suivi des captures pour les sous-régions 2-6 de l'OPANO en 1992
Grégoire, F. |
1993/055 |
Golfe |
Distribution and acoustic backscatter of herring in NAFO divisions 4T and 4Vn, fall 1990-1992
LeBlanc, C. St.-Hilaire, A. Dale, J. |
1993/056 |
Golfe |
Status of Atlantic salmon in the Miramichi River in 1992
Courtenay, S.C. Moore, D.S. Pickard, P.R. Nielsen, G.A. |
1993/057 |
Maritimes |
An update on the status of 4VW and 4X flatfish stocks
Annand, M.C. Beanlands, D. |
1993/058 |
Maritimes |
A review of the status of the 4VWX, 3NOPs halibut stocks
Annand, M.C. Beanlands, D. |
1993/059 |
Golfe |
Évaluation des stocks de hareng de l'Atlantique dans la division 4T de l'OPANO, 1992
Chaput, G. Mowbray, F.K. Dupuis, H.M.C. Bourque, C. MacDougall, C.J. Mello, L.G.S. |
1993/060 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of pollock (Pollachius virens) in divisions 4VWX and Subdivision 5Zc for 1992
Trippel, E.A. Brown, L.L. |
1993/061 |
Golfe |
The 1992 herring gillnet questionnaire
Nielsen, G.A. |
1993/062 |
Québec |
Analyse préliminaire des mesures de L1 sur des otolithes de maquereau bleu (Scomber scombrus L.) du golfe du Saint-Laurent
Grégoire, F. Gagnon, P. |
1993/063 |
Golfe |
Status of witch flounder in NAFO divisions 4RS
Morin, R.B. Forest-Gallant, I. |
1993/064 |
Golfe |
Status of American plaice in NAFO Division 4T
Morin, R.B. Sinclair, A.F. |
1993/065 |
Maritimes |
Assessment of Atlantic salmon of the Saint John River, N.B., above Mactaquac, 1992
Marshall, T.L. |
1993/066 |
Golfe Maritimes |
Estimating trends in F from length frequency data
Sinclair, A.F. Zwanenburg, K.C.T. Hurley, P. |
1993/067 |
Québec |
Review of request for an extension to the lobster fishing season in LFA 31A
Pringle, J.D. Ugarte, R. Duggan, R.E. Koeller, P.A. |
1993/068 |
Québec |
Évaluation de la biomasse du stock de morue du nord du golfe du Saint-Laurent (3Pn,4RS) en 1992
Fréchet, A. Gagnon, Y. |
1993/069 |
Maritimes |
The status of rainbow smelt stocks in Scotia-Fundy Region as indicated by catch and license statistics
Jessop, B.M. |
1993/070 |
Terre-Neuve et Labrador |
An assessment in 1993 of the cod stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps
Bishop, C.A. Murphy, E.F. Davis, M.B. |
1993/071 |
Maritimes |
Yield projections for the transboundary cod and haddock resources on Eastern Georges Bank
Gavaris, S. VanEeckhaute, L. Buzeta, M.-I. Hunt, J.J. |
1993/072 |
Maritimes |
1993 consultations on the groundfish research program of DFO Scotia-Fundy science
O'Boyle, R.N. |
1993/073 |
Maritimes |
Report on the 1992 survey on Georges Bank using commercial herring seiners
Melvin, G.D. Fife, F.J. |
1993/074 |
Maritimes |
Revised estimates of landings from the 4WX herring fisheries: 1985-1992
Stephenson, R.L. |
1993/075 |
Maritimes |
Georges Bank (5Z) herring 1993 update
Melvin, G.D. Fife, F.J. Sochasky, J.B. Power, M.J. Stephenson, R.L. |
1993/076 |
Maritimes |
Biological evaluation of the 1992 4WX herring fishery
Stephenson, R.L. Power, M.J. Sochasky, J.B. Buerkle, U. Fife, F.J. Melvin, G.D. |
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